Lily is sitting on another egg! Luckily I had ordered some nest felts from eBay so I have popped one in under the lovely warm egg and hope that she does not mind too much my rearranging her living accommodation. I am still not convinced that this egg will hatch, it is November in a few days but the breeder seems to think it is still fine and he is the expert and me the mere novice. I have just watched Huffy eyeing the new nesting arrangements with great suspicion, it took him half a dozen goes before he would enter the cote but hopefully he will appreciate the new upgraded bedding. So now I have another 20 days of waiting and watching to see if we are to have babies this year or not. A second egg should be laid within a day or two and the countdown begins at that point.
Luckily the weather although cold is very dry and not overly windy so that should be a plus. On a negative note is the fact that a Peregrine Falcon has been lurking in the area and was seen yesterday swooping through the garden and right past the doo cote. Also a Buzzard had the audacity to perch on our fence post ignoring all of our neighbours suggestions that it leave!
We could yet have baby doos in residence for Christmas!
Hi Jill,
Hope things work out for you this time! My nerves are also frazzled. We have a sparrow hawk stalking us but I don't think it will get our fox, the smart money is on our resident lupine. By the way, I can spell, but am a terrible typist, hence the typo in my last missive. Love to all in Moonzie, Jackie and Chris are inbound to us on monday so we are really looking forward to that.
Mary xx
Guard' N Eyes bird scaring balloons are apparently effective at scaring off the raptors from dove cotes. I tried googling for them but the website doesnt appear to be up at the moment. perhaps worth persuing.
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