Sunday, 4 May 2008

Fortress Moonzie

We were to be away for the weekend but the weather on the West Coast was set to be dire so instead we stayed at home and got all the little jobs done that we had been putting off for ages. Oh Joy ,Herb was heard to say at that little nugget of planning from me.

The weather here in Fife was wonderful and as it was so warm outside we decided also to get the new improved Doo defences up and Herb set to designing and building a Five Star homing cage . Halfway through the building programme I decided on some modifications and he duly added them. I think adding in a perch may have been easier before the wire netting was attached but it did look so much better with a perch. It took all day and is most certainly dog proof, the final addition was a warning sign that I obtained while touring in the Falklands, quite legally, I have my Mine Sign release certificate, and I am not joking. Later yesterday evening the neighbours came to inspect the doo cote again and Dan was most disappointed that we had not actually mined the area for real. We celebrated the new grand design in the summer house till quite late. Overnight I have decided on one more modification which involves a further layer of netting over the roof, just in case a determined sea eagle flies over head and fancies a Doo sandwich for lunch. Not my words of course.

Tomorrow we are off to get some more baby white Doos. To be named as before but Mk 2.

1 comment:

Alastair said...

I wish I had seen this before getting our doves. We think a fox got in and had our 2 pairs of doves so now we'll be copying your "Fortress Moonzie" design. Even though the netting was firmly in place and pegged down with wooden strips, something pulled a section up and all we were left with were feathers.

Do you have more photos of the design you could send me?